Question by hope: Change status of visa in the US. Is this still applicable?
Hi I’m from the Philippines and I just passed the California NCLEX RN (took it in Sacramento) and I am also planning to take my IELTS before I leave for the US in 3 months time. I just want to ask if this is still applicable? I have a B-2 Tourist Visa:
“U.S. Visitor Visa Change of Status: Individuals who enter the United States on a B-2 Tourist Visa are normally eligible to change status to permanent resident (Green Card holder) if they qualify, or to another nonimmigrant status, such as temporary worker (H-1B, H-2B, E-1, E-2, E-3, etc.), student (under the F-1 Student Visa), or even to permanent United States resident (Green Card). Individuals who enter the United States under the the Visa Waiver Program are not eligible to change status. The option to change status is the major advantage of nonimmigrant visas, such as the B-2 Tourist Visa, over the Visa Waiver Program.”
can I apply for the temporary working visa so that I can work in California?
Best answer:
Answer by Yak Rider
You can apply to change status but you must be qualified for the status you are trying to change to. For instance, you’d be wasting $ 1,010 to apply to change status to permanent resident (green card holder) unless there is an immigrant visa immediately available for you.
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A “change” of non-immigrant status is still possible pursuant to INA 248 and 8 CFR 248. Whatever you quoted in your question is more or less true, but it must have been written by someone unfamiliar with the nomenclature used by immigration professionals.
A change of status refers to non-immigrant classifications. The statute governing changes of status is section 248. The word “change” means to replace with another or to make a shift from one to another.
An adjustment of status refers to an application for permanent resident status. The statute governing adjustment of status is section 245. Adjustment refers to a modification to reflect actual conditions.
But it remains true that an alien admitted as a B-2 might qualify for a change of status or an adjustment of status.